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NDLA Conference Scholarship

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Deadline: August 9, 2024


The Membership Committee awards the Conference Scholarship (formerly the Grassroots Grant) to support attendance at the Fall Annual Conference which offers training, networking and leadership opportunities for librarians throughout the region. 

Further Information:

Recipients must be current members of NDLA. New NDLA members, those new to the ND library community, and early career librarians are especially encouraged to apply.

The grant covers the full registration (optionally including the pre-conference on Wednesday) for up to two recipients.

The grant does not cover the cost of travel, lodging, meals not covered in the conference registration fee, or any other expenses. 

Applicants must not have received a Conference Scholarship (formerly the Grassroots Grant) in the last 5 years.

The recipient must agree to:

  • Attend the full NDLA Annual Conference (Thursday and Friday)
  • Attend the Executive Board Meeting during the conference as a guest (virtual options available)
  • Write a short piece for The Good Stuff about their experiences at the conference.

Entity Responsible: 

The Membership Committee reviews applications for the grant and may form a sub-committee as necessary.

The selection of grant recipients rests solely with the Membership Committee.

Required Forms

Application Form

Agreement Form (for grant awardees only)

Current Recipient 
 Maddie Cummings

Past Recipients 


 Lisa Lunde 2022
 Kari Stromme 2018
 Randi Monley & Anne Mostad-Jenson 2017
 Paul Amberg 2016
Anna Baird & Caitlin Meyer 2013
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