Committees |
Learn more about the commmittees at NDLA and get involved in an area that interests you! |
Bylaws and Policy Committee
To assist the North Dakota Library Association in adopting and implementing strategies to address Equity, Diversity and Inclusion through ongoing engagements, such as workshops, speakers, conversations and partnerships.
LGBTQ2S+ Committee
To help provide LGBTQ+ resources to libraries, such as infographics and collection development tools.
Finance Committee
Assists the Executive Board in budgeting with regard to investment of NDLA funds, dues structure, and budget and reimbursement requests.
Marketing and Communications Committee
In coordination with the President,
GODORT/Tech Services Committee
Provides a forum to initiate and support programs to increase the availability, use and bibliographic control of library materials - including federal, state, and local documents, as well as to create and foster cooperation between Technical Services and Government Document librarians in all types of institutions in North Dakota.
Good Stuff Editorial Committee
The purpose of this committee is the acquisition, arrangement and dissemination of information and news affecting the libraries and librarians within the state of North Dakota.
Intellectual Freedom Committee
The IFC will encourage libraries to promote intellectual freedom and the first amendment through programs, displays, reading lists and similar activities. The IFC will promote librarian, trustee and school administrator awareness of intellectual freedom concerns and issues through the Intellectual Freedom webpages, “The Goodstuff” newsletter, workshops, conference programs and through the NDLA listserv and other electronic means.
Legislative Committee
The Legislative Committee arranges to represent NDLA before legislative interim and standing committees considering issues pertinent to libraries:
Membership Committee
This standing Committee is required for the ongoing functioning of the association. The Membership Committee:
Nominations, Elections and Voting Committee
This Committee is required for the ongoing functioning of the association. It is responsible for:
Professional Development Committee
Promotes professional development initiatives for the success of NDLA members and the North Dakota library community.
Website Committee
Maintenance of the North Dakota Library Association's website by updating organizational information, resolving link errors, web transfer and upload of pertinent organizational documents as well as assisting with the conference planning committee.