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Mike Jaugstetter Memorial Leadership Grant

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The Mike Jaugstetter Memorial Leadership Grant honors the superb leadership skills in librarianship which Mike Jaugstetter demonstrated while he was employed as the State Librarian of North Dakota. The grant money may be used for library leadership institutes or programs.


  • Applicants must be a current member of NDLA and have been a member of NDLA for the past two years.
  • Applications must be residents of North Dakota.
  • Applicants must be currently employed in a North Dakota library.
  • Applicants are required to submit the following documentation along with the application:
    • detailed budget of expected expenses,
    • narrative describing personal growth and career development expectations from the proposed program, and
    • printed materials that describe the program.
  • Awardee agrees to complete the following tasks:
    • Submit an evaluative report to the NDLA Executive Board about how the grant was used. The report will also be published in The Good Stuff. Grant money will be awarded after the evaluative report has been received by the NDLA President. A copy of CEU certificate or letter of recognition should accompany the report, if applicable.
    • Participate in the leadership of the NDLA Executive Board for one year. Participation may include (but is not limited to) section chair, officer, committee chair, or other committee work as appointed by the NDLA President of NDLA.
    • Present a leadership program, workshop, or seminar at the NDLA conference following their program participation.
    • Participate in the committee selection of the following year's recipient.
  • A portion of expenses (dependent upon the NDLA budget) will be reimbursed upon completion of travel.

  • Awardee and NDLA will enter into a written contract regarding completion of conditions.

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