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ndla professional Development Grant

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NDLA believes that furthering an individual's skills is beneficial to the North Dakota Library environment. Each year NDLA sets aside general fund dollars for this purpose. The Professional Development grant may be used for college or university classroom work, independent study, workshops, conferences, or participation in any committee that may benefit the library community of North Dakota.


  • Applicants must be a current member of NDLA and have been a member of NDLA for the past two years.
  • Applicants must be residents of or employed in North Dakota.
  • Applicants do not need to currently be employed in a library.
  • Applicants are required to submit the following documentation along with the application:
    • detailed budget of expected expenses,
    • narrative describing personal growth and career development expectations from the proposed program, and
    • printed materials that describe the program.
  • Awardee agrees to submit an evaluative report to the NDLA Executive Board about how the grant was used. The report will also be published in The Good Stuff. Grant money will be reimbursed after the evaluative report has been received by the NDLA President. A copy of CEU certificate or letter of recognition should accompany the report, if applicable.
  • Awardee and NDLA will enter into a written contract regarding completion of conditions.


Past Awardees

Year  Awardee(s)

Janet Anderson 

2018 Randi Monley
KeliAnn McDonald
Anne Mostad-Jensen 


    Kathy Vander Vorst
    James Nyland
    Mary Lorenz 


    Carrie Scarr
    Mary Sand 


    Janet Anderson
    Bonnie Krenz


    Laura Trude
    Mary Markland
    Kathy Waldera
    Patricia Fisher


    Phyllis Bratton
    Christine Kujawa
    Carrie Scarr
    Fargo Public Library
    Aubrey M. Madler
    Sandi L. Bates


    Sandi L. Bates 


    Sarah Devereaux
    Wendy Wendt
    Carrie Scarr
    UND Center for Rural Health
    Kirsten Baesler 


    Laurie McHenry
    Kathleen Spencer
    Beverly Clouse
    Lori K. West 


    Donna James
    Celeste Ertelt
    Johanna McClay 


    Rachel White
    Erin Smith
    Fargo Public Library 

    2004  Sheri Sandwick 


    Christine Kujawa
    Jeanne Narum
    Alfred Peterson 


    Kelly Steckler
    Karen M. Chobot
    Suzanne Morrison

    2000  Marvia Boettcher


    Shelby Harken
    Jean Hearn
    Konnie Wightman 


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