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School Library and Youth Services Section:

Benefactor of the Year Award

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School Library & Youth Services Section (SLAYS):

Benefactor of the Year Award

Deadline:  May 31st

Nomination Procedure:

To nominate an individual or group, send a letter of nomination to the


NDLA membership is not required to nominate a person(s) for this award.

Letters of nomination must include specific reasons for nomination.

Further Information:

  • The award may honor anyone who makes a significant contribution of time, talent, or financial support to advancing the role of school libraries can be considered. This may be awarded to (but is not limited to): Volunteers;  Administrators, and Paraprofessionals within an individual school or school district.
  • The School Library Major Benefactor Award winner will be profiled in the December issue of  The Good Stuff and receive a commemorative plaque.
  • Recognition of the recipient is made during the NDLA Award Banquet at the NDLA Annual Conference.


This citation is awarded by the School Library and Youth Services (SLAYS) division of NDLA to...

A person, or persons, who have made significant contributions to a school library, or school libraries, within North Dakota
Past Recipients:
2020: Fargo Public Schools Development Foundation

2019: Susan Kiser, Fargo Public Schools

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