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Grants & professionalism

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NDLA offers multiple grants and professional opportunities to our members. 

NDLA Professional Series

The NDLA Professional Series is a series of online professional development meetings for NDLA members. Meetings are held every other month and will focus on semiannual topics broken down into discussions over pre-assigned resources (journal articles, videos, podcasts, etc.) and speakers.

Registration is required for each session you'd like to attend.

Job Listings

We accept and post job listings from regional libraries (North Dakota, Minnesota, Montana, and South Dakota) and for remote positions.

Jobs are posted in order of the application deadline (earliest at the top). Check back regularly to see what jobs have been submitted to us and are now accepting applications!


The NDLA Professional Development Committee offers four grants to our members: NDLA Professional Development Grant, M. Vivian Hubbard Memorial Bookmobile Grant, Mike Jaugstetter Memorial Leadership Grant, and Ron Rudser Memorial Continuing Education Grant. Each grant offers the opportunity for members or their organizations to take a step forward in developing their goals.

NDLA also offers two additional grants that are administered by their own committees: the NDLA Conference Scholarship awarded by the Membership Committee and the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Grant.

Affiliated Organizations

NDLA is affiliated with several local, regional, or national organizations. We encourage members to consider additional membership in these organizations as well.

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