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EDI Resource List

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This is a living document, intended to be updated regularly, that provides openly available resources for developing understanding and empathy and serves as a starting point for learning and discussion about equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Call For Resources

The NDLA EDI Committee welcomes member suggestions for additions to this list! As a relatively new committee, we recognize the sensation of not knowing where to start. It is our hope that this list of resources can be a starting point in our collective journey toward equitable, diverse, and inclusive libraries. If you have personal or institutional lists of resources, or can recommend individual resources, please send them to the EDI Committee members listed below. Any NDLA member is welcome to submit resources for inclusion in this list. Resources will be posted on the committee’s section of the NDLA website.

Some guidelines:

  • Resources can be in any format--books, videos, websites, podcasts, webinars, etc.--but should be freely available or easily obtainable through library collections.
  • We will consider resources related to any aspect of EDI work and any visible or invisible expression of identity.
  • Resources do not have to be library-focused.

Send resources to:



Resource Lists from ND Libraries

Resources/Toolkits from Other Libraries and Library Associations

Land Acknowledgment Resources


Videos/Webinars/Conference Sessions

White Privilege


Inclusive Language

Children's Literature

Resources for Educators

Bystander Intervention

Organizational Culture

Ableism & Invisible Disability


EDI-Related Library Blogs/Podcasts

Hiring Practices

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