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Winter Days don't have to be SAD days

December 05, 2022 8:33 PM | Deleted user

With Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) a common occurrence as the winter months bring longer hours of darkness, please be mindful of the mental health of friends and coworkers. Suicide is more prevalent in the months with lots of holidays. With that in mind, and a focus on inclusion, there are a few resources that can be beneficial for everyone to know about.

The QPR Institute reminds people to Question, Persuade and Refer.

Mental Health First Aid uses ALGEE...

  • Assess – what is the risk factor. Like with Question above, ask if they are considering suicide. Ask if they have a plan. You won’t be giving them ideas by talking about it! You will be able to determine if there is a risk in place though.
  • Listen – this must be non-judgmentally. Saying “I understand” or “that must be hard” is fine. Never say “just get over it” or “that’s not how it really is, you know.
  • Give – reassurance. “You’re not alone,” “I’m here for you,” “is there anything I can do to help?” are all great responses.
  • Encourage – professional help. Most of us don’t have the training to handle big and deep emotions like this in other people. Let them know about resources, help them find sources that match their budget and time constraints.
  • Encourage – self help. Ask what helps them feel better. This can be favorite music, movies, etc. Or it could be a comfort bag they carry with them. This is a small bag that fits in a pocket and carries items like a rock to fidget with, a piece of material they like the sensation of, a little note they write with an affirmation, or a note from a friend that makes them feel good!

If you are in need of help and don’t know where to turn, you can start by calling #988, the suicide prevention number.

Don’t forget you have a team of librarians across NDLA that are here for you!

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